News > PBS services on AMC 21 now in DVB-S2 format

PBS services on AMC 21 now in DVB-S2 format - Jun 24, 2012
Effective immediately, the PBS services on AMC 21 @ 125W have changed transmission formats from DVB-S QPSK to DVB-S2 8PSK. Along with the switch, picture quality was increased significantly.
The following PBS services which were previously on transponders 12140, 12150 and 12180 in DVB-S are now all available on 12180 but in DVB-S2 8PSK format.
- PBS HD East
- PBS HD West
- Create TV
- PBS World
- V-Me
Tuning coordinates are as follows:
Satellte: AMC 21 @ 125 degrees West
Transponder: 12180 Mhz
Polarity: Vertical
Symbol rate: 30000
Protocol & modulation: DVB-S2 8PSK
Customers simply need to change protocol for the 12180 transponder from DVB-S to DVB-S2 8PSK and rescan in order to regain PBS services. However, if your satellite receiver does not support tuning the DVB-S2 format, you will most likely need to purchase a new receiver in order to regain these services. If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment, please feel free to contact us.